Way of Earth
Powers (Associated skill: Athletics)
⚫ Grasping soil
Challenge: N/A Cost: 1 Blood Duration: Instant
The ground around the caster becomes soft and pulling like quicksand. All but the caster have their steps reduced by one.
⚫⚫ Endurance of stone
Challenge: N/A Cost: 1 Blood Duration: Scene
The caster gains two temporary health levels for the scene.
⚫⚫⚫ Earthen Maw
Challenge: Mentals (occult) vs Physicals (athletics) Cost: 1 Blood Duration: Instant
The Koldun turns the earth beneath another characters feet into a gross open swirling mouth. A successful attack causes the target to be unable to move. The afflicted must deal 5 health levels of damage to the earth beneath their feet before they can move again.
⚫⚫⚫⚫ Root of Vitality
Challenge: N/A Cost: 1 Blood Duration: Instant
The caster sinks beneath the earth and heals 2 health levels per blood spent.
⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ Kupala’s Fury
Challenge: N/A Cost: 1 Willpower (Temp), 1 blood Duration: Instant
An earthquake happens. The scene is now different. Everyone ( including the caster) takes 5 bashing damage as the Koldun punches the floor beneath her feet. A city block begins shaking and poorly built building fall to the ground. Everyone must consume two steps for every one they wish to take.