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Long thought to be the sole domain of Tremere and other Blood Thaumaturges, Rituals are magical practices that use kindred vitae as a fuel source to produce effects. It has been discovered ( or perhaps rediscovered) by the Gangrel scholar Beckett and a cabal of Anarch Mages, that Rituals are possible using other Disciplines or practices as a base. Some anarchs even hold that this information was well known by Elders of the Camarilla and simply kept secret until now.

They differ from Disciplines and Blood sorcery in three important ways.

1. Rituals take time. Level 1-2 rituals take a minimum of 5 minutes, Level 3-4 take 10 and level 5 take 15. (Some take longer as described in their specific entries.) Any ritual which creates a new Item( wards) takes an action to cast.

2. Rituals use the same difficulty chart as crafting with the level of the ritual being the difficulty of performing it. And the skill used being occult unless the ritual says otherwise. Difficulty chart (If a ritual takes an action to perform, then there is no test. It just works.)

3. You can not cast any ritual that could double overbid you, regardless if it takes an action or not.

4. All rituals require one blood ( or more) to cast.

Learning Rituals:

At character creation, you can purchase rituals by taking the Rites background.

After character creation Rituals are learned by spending an action to Learn Ritual. Learning a Ritual requires knowing someone with the ritual who is willing to teach. At two dots a Mentor will always be able to teach you any ritual you want. Otherwise, you need to take a Search For action in addition to a Learn Ritual action. Rituals can't be bought with EXP. Learning a level of Blood Sorcery does not grant a free ritual.

You can only learn a ritual that you are qualified to cast. The qualifications are listed on each ritual page.

Blood Sorcery Rituals

Oblivion Rituals

Obfuscate Rituals

Sabbat Ritae

Celerity Rituals

Vicissitude Rituals

Dementation Rituals

Obeah Rituals

River of Blood Rituals

Communion Rituals

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