The Bite

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The Giovanni are descended from Cappadocious, but never at any point did they share in his clan's weakness. If Cappadocious had not been so concerned with his own goals, perhaps he would have looked into what the actual flaw of Giovanni is. For while, yes, their bite is full of pain, this is merely a symptom of Giovanni’s actual flaw; they are all, to a man, psychotically addicted to causing pain. There is no pleasure in their kiss because they don’t want to give up anything to another, not even something that costs them nothing to give.

There is nothing Giovanni hates more than a “Fair” deal. They always want to view themselves as winning. Anytime a Giovanni wants to agree to a “fair” transaction (or one in which they are the loser), they must make a Self Control Frenzy (Dif 3) Failure causes them to refuse. This will occasionally lead to Giovanni steadfastly refusing superficial concessions that would save their life.