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Rokea are rarely seen on land, most prefer to swim the oceans of Gaia, and treat the Unsea with scorn and suspicion. ROkea who live on land are rare and are labeled Betweeners by their kin. Betweeners are treated with derision at best and at worst are hunted by their kin. Rokea are supposed to protect Gaia's oceans from the Qyrll ( wyrm of the water) but due to a lack of organization, spend most of their time being ineffective. Betweener groups are more common in the east and occasionally pop up in the Florida Keys, where the local Rokea are slightly less homicidal about the whole thing. Rokea possess incredible strength and are one of the reasons why people fear the seas in the world of darkness. More than one fishing vessel, or Oil tanker has met its end within a Rokean mouth. Most (95%) Rokea are born of Shark parents as their human kinfolk are few and far between. This gives them a "unique" view of the world.

Florida Rokea:

Rokea of the FLorida keys are slightly (very slightly) more organized than most of their kin, due to local leadership. However they still lack a real culture and uniting force. Most grottos are home to a few stray Rokea or a single pack. The Gulf coast oil spills have caused them to be slightly more curious about land, if only to find a more permanent way to halt the building of oil platforms in their seas.


Rokea posses all four forms, though outside of the water their BFAF and standard animal forms lack mobility. They may not use the efense or Athletics abilities while in these forms on land.

Statistical Adjustments

Rokea take a -1 to their Self-control.


Rokea have 3 auspices, Ahroun (Bright Water) Philodox (Dim Water) and Ragabash(Dark Water.)

Relationship with other Changers

Rokea as a whole don't care about any other Changers. Individual Betweeners can have friends though.

Eastern Rokea (Same-bito) have great respect and reverence for the Mokole who they treat like wise elders.

Rokea don't hold a grudge about the War of Rage. They likely participated...


Rokea are thought to be dumb, but it's less that they are dumb, and more like they possess a very singular outlook on the world. Rokea are brutal and slow to trust though People who gain their trust will almost never lose it.

Rokea are technically immortal... but most don't make it to 20, since they so frequently die in combat.

Breed Gift

The Kun


  • Survive: The race must survive, no matter what. The Rokea believe that there is only foolishness, not honour, in fighting a battle they can't win. No Rokea will accuse another of cowardice if they swim away from a fight that is hopeless. The only exception is sacrifice in the name of a Grotto, which is expected to be defended to the last breath.
  • Hunt: Rokea have duties as both shapechangers and sharks. They were designed to be predators of the highest order, and their actions affect the sea around them. This tenet reminds Rokea that they are warriors and predators above everything else.
  • Spawn: Rokea breed slowly but deliberately. Each wereshark is expected to breed at least once during their lives. This part of the code also obliges weresharks to teach and mentor young weresharks in the ways of the Rokea.
  • Swim: The weresharks consider it a duty to continue to swim, explore, and move. They need to watch for dangers threatening the Sea, and the best way to do this is to move around and keep their eyes open.