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A beast has one starting family, this gives them their anathema, starting traits, and starting atavisms. They also have a sub-family which gives them one additional trait in their true form.


The Anakim's are giants, dinosaurs, and titans of legend, and are formidable physical combatants who grow to truly colossal size in their true forms. They make their lairs in hills and mountains mostly.

Anathema: The Anathema of the anakim is ice, they take aggravated damage from Ice in any form, and lose 1 satiety when struck by it.

Starting Atavisms : Anakim receive the following atavisms at character creation: Great Strength, Titanic blow.


The eshmaki are strange creatures that lurk in the dark, tricksters, demons, old ones, and the not quite formed is the face of the eshmaki. Eshamki make their lairs in basements, caves, and any place the light does not touch.

Anathema: The Anathema of the Eshmaki is fire, they take agg from it and lose a satiety when struck by it,

Starting Atavisms : Eshmaki receive the following atavisms at character creation: From the Shadows, Alien Allure.


The Makara leviathans are creatures that once dominated earth's oceans the leviathans, krakens and every fear of humanity beneath the ocean's depths. All Makara gain the bonus lair trait: Flooded. Makara make their lairs in trenches, beaches, and seaside caves.

Anathema: The Anathema of the Makara is blood, when they see blood for the first time in the scene they lose 1 satiety, and will hunger frenzy when 3/4s full on satiety instead of 1/2. Weapons made or soaked in blood deal Agg to Makara.

Starting Atavisms : Makara receive the following atavisms at character creation: Heart of the Ocean, Titanic Blow.


The Namtaru are varied predators, sirens, gorgons, and chimera, sometimes combined in legend to form a combination of many creatures as frightening as the sum of their parts. Namtaru make their lairs in forests, caves, and islands.

Anathema: The Anathema of the Namtaru is mirrors, when they see their own reflection in a mirror for the first time in a scene they lose 1 satiety and can anyone carrying a shard of the mirror does aggravated damage to them

Starting Atavisms : Namtaru receive the following atavisms at character creation: Looming presence, Siren's Song.


The Ugatu are ancient birds such as pheoixes, gryphons, harpies, and hippogryphs that rule the sky uncontested, swooping on their prey from high above. Ugatu make their lairs in forests, canyons, and mountains.

Anathema: The Anathema of the Ugatu is nets, cages, and any other form of grappling. Ugatu can be grappled even in their true form, and lose 1 satiety each round they remain so grappled.

Starting Atavisms : Ugatu receive the following atavisms at character creation: Mimir's Wisdom, Wings.


The Bogardon are dragons, rules of the ancient earth and apex predators of the planet. Bogardons make their lairs in forests, caves, mountains, and in modern days: cities. All Bogardons have the true form trait Old Magick.

Anathema: The Anathema of the Bogardon is gold, each time gold first appears in the scene the Bogardon loses a satiety and a target wielding a weapon is up 2 traits on a Bogardon due to it's distraction with the weapon, also they take Agg from gold weapons.

Starting Atavisms : Bogardon receive the following atavisms at character creation: Dragon's Breath, Wings.