Elpis and role

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Elpis and Role

Elpis and role replace nature and demeanor, elpis is basically nature, role is the job the promethean tries to take to learn more about human society. Prometheans tend to act these out awkwardly and in piecemeal as their ideas of human emotions are distant from the source.


When a promethean inspires the emotion associated with their elpis in a human they regain a willpower.

Elpis emotions

  • Courage
  • Drive
  • Empathy
  • Fear
  • Fury
  • Inspiration
  • Joy
  • Love
  • Sorrow
  • Pain


Whenever a promethean fulfills the condition imposed by their role, they gain a beat once per night.

  • Aurum(gain beat by protecting humans)
  • Cuprum(gain beat by remaining calm under pressure(for example making a non attack mental challenge in the first round of combat)
  • Ferrum(gain beat by beating the shit out of someone while taking no damage)
  • Plumbum(gain beat by overthinking something)
  • Stannum(gain beat back when you lose a pilgrimage challenge)
  • Aes(gain beat by protecting someone else rather than acting)
  • Argentum(Gain beat by surviving an encounter with another supernatural or increasing lore)
  • Cobalus(gain beat convincing someone else to frenzy)
  • Mercurius(gain beat by making a successful craft check(diff 4 or higher))
  • Phosphorum(gain beat by purposefully entering a situation where you need to make a virtue challenge and suceeding)