Invasive Variations

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Invasive Variations

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Computer aiding processing(Max level 5)

Type: Invasive

Keywords: Active

Retest: N/A

Charges: Charges equal to level

Slots: 1 Slot

Effect: A number of times per night the Deviant may use Computers skill in place of any other skill. There is no relevant specialties allowed though.

Omnicompetence(max level 6)

Type: Invasive

Keywords: Passive

Retest: N/A

Charges: Charges equal to level

Slots: 1 Slot

Effect: After successfully completing a challenge the Deviant may expend a charge to refund themselves all the retests they spent on the previous challenge.

Integrate technology(Max level 5)

Type: Invasive

Keywords: Passive/ active at level 2

Retest: Subterfuge replaces defense for level 2

Charges: N/A

Slots: 2 Slots+1/item


  • Level 1: The Deviant can integrate an item into their body. They may integrate a number of items equal to rating. Each integrated item takes up an additional Slot but grants one additional trait to the item as well.
  • Level 2: The Deviant can attempt to reflexively steal an item they are struck by. They must make a Subterfuge instead of a Defense test against the target. If successful they absorb the item and take no damage. They may store a number of items equal to the rating.
  • Level 3: The Deviant can touch a large piece of technology and manipulate it for the scene as though it was their limb.