Koldonics Only Rituals

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Must have a level of Koldonics equal to the level of ritual you want to learn.

Reawakening Dead Water Level 1

A person can only cast this ritual once per night and can only gain the effects of this ritual once per night. the caster pours a point of their blood into a body of water and drinks the resultant cloudy sludge. they regain a point of temporary willpower. this will not take them above their maximum.

Diplomacy and Hospitality Level 3

The Tzimisce value hospitality. This ritual allows them to be better hosts. The Tzimisce brews some blood tea, the blood is rendered inert by the ritual, and in fact, cannot be used to hide vitae in. Anyone who drinks the draught will be able to speak Romanian for the next hour. Up to 4 people can drink from a single pot.

Service for Souls Level 3

The Tzimisce can create Spirit retainers. The retainers still count against Tzimisce's leadership cap. Spirit retainers have 4 health levels and can do anything a human retainer can. They cannot learn disciplines but instead, gain a single Invocation when created. They are only ever manifest around the Tzimisce's Haven. They do not benefit from experience or time passing.

Refuge of a thirsty Grave Leve 4

The Tzimisce can sink into the ground as per Earth Meld so long as it is the ground of his or her native soil.

Mirror of Blood Level 5

Create Blood Brothers. Requires $100,000 in rare reagents and 5 kindred Corpses.