
From Eden Calling LARP
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Cacophony Powers disrupt or destroy their surroundings.



Challenge: Physicals(Brawl) vs Physicals(Defense) Cost: N/A Duration: Instant

Touch an object and make a static challenge Physicals(Brawl) vs Physicals(Defense), difficulty equal to the weapons size + tags. If this succeeds, the weapon is destroyed utterly. Magic Weapons and weapons with the Durable tag instead take a -2 trait penalty until a craft action is taken to repair them.


Challenge: None Cost: N/A Duration: Instant

Sets off all nearby alarms, Even if they are disconnected. Even if the power is off, causing humans to rush to the scene.

Knockout Punch

Challenge: Physicals(brawl) vs Physicals(Defense) Cost: 1 Aether Duration: Instant

The demon spends an Aether and makes an attack. if it hits the target takes exactly 4 damage (Unsoakable). If this knocks the target out the Demon can specify whether they want to render the target unconscious or maim them. It will never kill but it can really really hurt.

Merciless Gunman

Challenge: Mentals/Physicals(Firearms) vs Physicals(athletics) Cost: 1 Aether Duration: Instant

Everyone in the room must make an athletics test vs the Demon's Firearms. The Demon has the same number of retests against everyone in the room. The Demon must have a gun to use this power. Anyone who fails the athletics test is shot and takes the gun's damage. Costs an Aether.

On the Mend

Challenge: None Cost: N/A Duration: Passive

The demon Heals a damage every round.

Fractal Reality

Challenge: None Cost: 1 Aether Duration: Reflexive

The demon can play with probability. Once per challenge by spending an Aether the Demon can reflexively give someone an additional skill retest, even while attempting the test.

Hellish Pursuit=

Challenge: None Cost: 1 Aether Duration: Reflexive

Activated when someone else activates any escape power. You end up in the room with them.

The Styles of Hell=

Challenge: None Cost: N/A Duration: Passive

The Styles of Hell: The demon may learn Kibatsumenjutsu powers. They cost one experience more than they do for a vampire. Demons using this powers fists glow with green flames distinctly.


All cost 1 cover and 1 Aether

Break to Heal: THe Demon can shatter an item and heal its rating in health levels. Aggravated health heals half. The Demon can target himself or someone else. Costs an Aether

Disintegrate: As per shatter. Works on items up to the size of a car. Wins ties on the test.

HellFire: Reflexive. For the Round, the Demons firearm shoots bolts of Hellfire. The damage is 5 aggravated.