Communion Rituals

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Communion Rituals

Must be a member of the Communion in good standing.

Level 1

Open Arms

Level 1. Cast at the beginning of each ritual. Summons for the Node spirit

Level 2

Level 3

Cleansing Water

Level 3. A Werewolf must spend willpower to attack you if you haven't acted aggressively towards them. Also makes you less offensive to them. Involves showering with access to the moon


Level 3. Cast at a meeting of the communion. Excommunicates the member from the Communion. Causes them to lose all gifts and count as one level lower for all spirit trials.

Mouth of the Voiceless

Level 3. Create a one use item that resembles a sticker. When placed on an object it will begin to speak as though Elemental mastery was used on it. One action creates Herd in stickers.

Level 4

Curse of Janus

Level 4. Drop a target's Resources by 1 for one month to a minimum level of 1. Dropping someone from Wealth to Resources 3 takes 5 castings itself. Takes a bluebook action to cast.

Level 5

Cleansing Rivers

Level 5. Removes taint of the Wyrm from an area and the beings within it. Creatures of the wyrm smoke which sometimes reveals their location. Cast repeatedly this can definitely restore the original aspect of a level 1 or 2 demonic node. This can also be Cast on a 1 wyrm creature in the area to smoke and take 1 agg, it still takes 25 mins. Self-control frenzies with you as a target because you're a wyrm-tainted creature are down 1 trait in difficulty for the night if this is cast on you.

Car Wash

Level 5. Cleansing Water that is castable on another target, this ritual can be dismissed by the caster or the target, doing so removes the protection.

Craft the Fetish

Level 5. Lets you craft the reward of trial 4. Fetishes Level 3 and under.

Moon Bridge

Level 5. Teleport from one node to another Node in the city. Takes 20 minutes. Can bring other community members with you.

Spirit Revivalism Level 5. Cast everyday for one month. ( Takes three actions) Changes a Node from being a death spirit to a Gaian spirit. Involves engaging in life making activities upon the Node.

Rising of the Undead Plinth Level 5. Causes a Kindred to guarantee their ability to reproduce for one day, after a week of preparation. The offspring may or may not be a Dhampir though.