Clan Specific Merits and Flaws

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Entelechy :: 0 pt Merit

The Brujah gains an additional Willpower that goes above their maximum. However, if they fail a virtue test and fail the willpower retest, they must expend two points of permanent virtue to resist the Frenzy

Martial Adept :: 2 pt Merit

You gain an additional 1 point exp reduction when learning Kibatsumenjutsu. In addition, you provide this reduction when teaching others

Dynamic Personality :: 3 pt Merit

The Brujah can have an additional dot of Retainers Contacts and Allies.

Fury’s Focus :: 5 pt Merit

The Brujah can spend a willpower to target their frenzy for a scene

Menacing Presence :: 2 pt Flaw

You are 2 traits down on all non intimidating social challenges. Mortals find you especially unnerving.

Out of Touch :: 4 pt Merit

You've lost your edge and your connection to the revolution. When other Brujah fail their rage trigger for their clan flaw, you do not have to make a frenzy check.

Hair trigger :: 2 pt Flaw

You gain a second rage trigger as per your clan flaw.


Paper Trail :: 1 pt Flaw

You’ve spent some time in a state institution before your embrace. You are in the system. Your face, fingerprints, and name are all easily findable. As a plus, the Malkvaian knows how to game the system. Once per game, the Malkavian may use any one influence as any other influence with half (round up) the effectiveness. This does not work for between game actions.

Dead Inside :: 1 pt Flaw

You cannot gain willpower from fulfilling your nature

A Loose Cord :: 3 pt Flaw

You are not connected to the madness network and cannot use your clan advantage

Distracting Aura :: 3 pt Merit

Whenever someone looks at your aura you gain a Merit level retest against them gaining any sort of knowledge about you. In addition your aura triggers the fascination flaw of clan Toreador.

Prophet :: 4 pt Merit

At the start of the game, you can ask the HST a single ( Yes No) question about an NPC’s actions or plans for the night. They will secretly roll a d6. 5/6 times they will answer truthfully. The sixth time they will lie.

Seeing without Sight :: 2 pt Merit

This Merit is a form of the Blind fighting Merit only available to Malkavians. The Malkavian possesses and moves with uncanny deftness even when blind

Unsettling :: 4pt flaw

All your relationship backgrounds are capped at two. You have the social acumen of a police siren.


Almost a Clan :: 1 pt Merit

You may take any other clan Merit at a +1 surcharge at staff discretion.

Versatile Psychology :: 3 pt Merit

You contain a plethora of ideas within your brain. You can develop a second Caitiff Discipline.

Dusk Walking :: 3 pt Merit

At Dusk and Dawn, for one hour. You take only 1 lethal per minute while in the sun.

Third In Clan :: 4 pt Merit

You have a third In- Clan discipline (staff discretion.)

Masquerade Victim :: 1 pt Flaw.

Just because you are a vampire doesn’t mean vampires are real. You still believe in every stupid vampire myth in existence. All Kindred lore checks are two difficulties higher.

Clan Flaw :: 2 pt Flaw

You gain the clan flaw of another clan.

Fangless :: 3 pt Flaw

You never developed Fangs. You have to stab people with a knife or find some other way to get blood flowing

If it can Bleed it can Die :: 3 pt Flaw

You can bleed out. After taking lethal damage you take one more lethal every minute until a medicine test is made on you. Diff equal to the amount of damage on you/2

Fourteenth Gen 1 pt Flaw

Embraced in the modern age, your blood is thin, beyond even that of most Caitiff. You are no more than five years as a vampire, created by one of the 13th generation. You have 10 Blood Traits, but you can only use eight of them; the other two are inert, treated like mortal blood. You must take the Flaw: Thin Blood (although you do get Free Traits for it), and you are most likely Caitiff, for your blood is too weak to pass the distinguishing characteristics of clan. The Vampire gets a free dot of the Insight background.


Soapstone Skin :: 3 pt merit

You are easier to tattoo. The cost of Gargoyle Rituals is one less for you and the difficulty of inscribing the tattoos is reduced by one.

Blood of the Magi :: 4 pt Merit

The Tremere blood runs strong in you. Enough Magic gathers in your blood each night for you to refill a single Gargoyle Ritual tattoo.

Heavy Hands :: 4 pt Merit

The gargoyle is a living weapon. It does one more lethal damage when making unarmed attacks. These must be true unarmed attacks with no weapons or gloves.

Old Style Gargoyle :: 3 pt Flaw

You are an old style of Gargoyle. Visceratika is purchased at out of the clan cost.

Hybrid :: 3 pt flaw.

You have the clan flaw of two types of Gargoyle.

Rippling Traps :: 3 pt Merit

Your Wings are supernaturally strong. Gain 1 extra step when using the power of Flight.

Broken Wings:: 4pt flaw

Something didn't take when they made you. You lack the ability to fly with your kin in the sky.


Dracon’s Temperament :: 3 pt Merit

You can choose a second nature. You gain willpower from fulfilling this nature as well as gain willpower from your first nature

Promethean Clay :: 4 pt Merit

The Mutations points required to Fleshcraft yourself are halved. Round Up

Privacy Obsession :: 3 pt Flaw

You must spend a Willpower to enter someone’s home without being invited.

Tzimisce Clan Flaw :: 3 pt Flaw

You suffer from the traditional clan flaw of the Tzimisce. A -10 to all actions if you dont sleep on the soil of your homeland. At least 25lbs.

It’s Inside you :: 4 pt Flaw

Every Vampire has a beast. You have something else. Once per game, any staffer can make you do something dangerous -and bad. You can resist with a diff 5 self-control. Even when we aren’t making you act out of character you can hear it, whispering… "fe..."

Mutation :: 6 pt Merit

You possess an in clan that isn't standard among your kind. You may swap one of your in-clans for another core-8 discipline.

Kupala's Favorite :: 4pt Merit

You are loved by the demon of the earth. You gain one of the 5 listed dark thaums, (Inferno, Corruption, Black Waters, Twisted Forest, Trappings of the Gaian Prison) as an in-clan and do not suffer a price when casting it. In addition, you cast it as though it was Koldonics. Kupala made you some sweet sweet dark thaum. Open wide for the Dark Thaum. (Kupala is the demon who powers Koldunism, an extremely dangerous entity, an additional caveat to this merit is that you have her eye in some way... whether that's a merit or a Flaw really depends on circumstances.) *Koldonics itself is not Dark Thaum, Because Kupala was merely a conduit to help its creation. This Merit provides powers granted directly through her Infernal might.*


The Scent of the Spirit World :: 1 pt Merit

Spirits are less likely to be rude or hate you just because you are kindred. Garou are less likely to treat you with hostility and more with wary.

Split Devotion :: 5 pt Merit

Obeah, Valeran, or Visa becomes in-clan for you in addition to whichever one your caste naturally has. You can have and use two of the three. However, each comes with an additional ban. Violating the Ban causes the eye to shut and disallows you from using any of the powers for one month.
Healer: Never attack a surrendering foe.
Warrior: Never Flee or run from a challenge.
Watcher: Defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Tremere Holdover :: 6 pt Merit

The art of blood magic has permeated your spirit. You may self teach a single Path of Thaumaturgy in the hermetic style. (Must be approved by staff) This is still treated as out of clan. Hermetic casting is included with this Merit

Cyclops :: 2 pt Flaw

Your eye is an actual physical eye, as opposed to a spiritual eye. You can still close it but there is a slit in your forehead.

Soft-Hearted :: 3 pt Flaw

Death is too much for you to handle. You must make a conscience test (Dif 5) to kill another kindred. If you accidentally kill or torpor a kindred, you must make a Rage frenzy check (Dif 4)

Descendant of Zao-Lat :: 2 pt Merit

If on a Dharmic path, you only need to make one test for violating the tenets of said path.

Paragon :: 3pt Merit

While you maintain a 5 on your path rating, you gain a free discipline retest in all dealings with unaugmented mortals.


Hive Minded :: 5 pt merit

A gangrel with this power can use their animalism powers on insects.

Totemic Changer :: 5 pt Merit

The Gangrel may change the animal they transform into every time they activate the Protean powers that allow them to become animals. The form they take must still be of the proper size category.

Beastial :: Variable Merit

Choose a single personal Fleshcrafting mutation. It costs half its experience number in freebie points for you. You gain this mutation.

City-Born :: 3pt Merit

You may swap one of your in-clans for Obfuscate


Call of the Sea :: 1 pt merit

You gain +2 traits to all actions while within view of the ocean

Secret Stash :: 2 pt Merit

The Lasombra may store an item within the abyss. One item that may be up to large size. The Lasmobra can retrieve the item by spending a step in combat. If the Lasombra is killed the Item emerges from their ashes. Storing the item takes 5 minutes.

King (or Queen) of Shadow :: 3 pt Merit

The Lasombra typically have trouble holding onto their Humanity. Lasombra with this Merit have established themselves as rulers of the Kine and draw strength from their interactions with Humans. The Lasombra gains a Discipline level retest on checks to avoid Road Degeneration.

Shadow Blade :: 5 pt merit

Your Shadow tentacle (Oblivion 3) deals 4 bashing damage instead of 3


Sleep Unseen :: 3 pt Merit

The Nosferatu can have his Obfuscate active while he sleeps.

Rugged Bad Looks :: 4 pt Merit

The Nosferatu may call 3/4 of his social traits (round up) instead of half.

Full of Bees :: 4 pt Merit

You have a hive of Bees or other swarming insects inside you. You can make an attack with this swarm at the end of the round after celerity actions. Your bees deal 1 bashing damage. Their damage can be upgraded via the spawning pits up to 2 times as though they were creatures. These are not ghouls, they are equipment.

Monster among Monsters 2pt Flaw (Flarit)

Even among the nosferatu, you are hideous. You never count as having more than 3 social traits. However, this does come with an added benefit. Unaugmented mortals must make a courage check Dif 3, or be affected as though by delirium when they see your face. Also, be sure to tell people the nature of your deformity when you drop mask in front of them.


Master of the Masquerade :: 1 pt Merit

There are many small tics, habits, and instinctive behaviors that Kindred lack that separate them from the mortal world - you remember these, performing them naturally as you would walk down the street. You are up two Social when interacting with mortals.

Indelible :: 2 pt Merit

Whereas other vampires return to the state of their original embrace naturally, you may only do so by spending a Willpower point, however, you are also in an advantageous position to commit your body to lasting modifications.

Slowed Degeneration :: 4 pt Merit

You gain a discipline level retest on Degeneration checks so long as you remain on humanity.

Two-worlds  :: 3 pt Merit

The toreador may exist in two cliques at the same time.


Embraced Without Cup :: 2 pt Merit

Each Tremere is blood bound to the clan but not you. For some reason the clan forgot to blood bind you upon embrace, maybe there’s a reason for this oversight? If discovered it will be rectified but for now, you are free.

Natural ThaumSight :: 4 pt Merit

You have a sixth sense or (maybe a third invisible eye) that allows you to see magic as per thaum-sight. You must still focus to do so.

Mage Blood :: 2 pt Flaw

Your blood is thick with the energy of sorcery. However, it is poor at channeling the power of disciplines. So poor that you cannot learn any Discipline. Thaumaturgy costs only 3/ level. This Merit can never be bought off.

Mundane :: 5 pt Flaw

You are unable to learn Thaumaturgy. As a Tremere, your chance for advancement within the clan is exceedingly limited.


Connoisseur :: 3 pt Merit

The Ventrue may taste the blood of another kindred or kine and learn several things about them. He may know about any addictions, merits, or flaws in addition to the target’s nature when he tastes their blood.

Blessed By St. Gustav :: 4 pt Merit

The Ventrue gains Auspex as an In-clan discipline. This usually only shows up in Ventrue antitribu but it can appear in any Ventrue.

Especially Uncommon Vitae Preference :: 2 pt Flaw

You may only ever have a single dot of herd. Your feeding restriction is something like only NFL employees, Only 40+-year-old virgins, Only Kindergarten Teachers.

The One True King 3pt Merit

While on the Road of Kings, you treat Degeneration checks as though you were on Humanity.


Connoisseur :: 3 pt Merit

The Kiyasid may taste the blood of another kindred or kine and learn several things about them. He may know about any addictions, merits, or flaws in addition to the target’s nature when he tastes their blood.

Secret Stash :: 2 pt Merit

The Kiyasid may store an item within the abyss. One item that may be up to large size. They can retrieve the item by spending a step in combat. If they are killed the Item emerges from their ashes. Storing the item takes 5 minutes.

Legalistic 3 pt Flaw

You gain a Rage trigger like a Brujah. Your trigger is specifically " Someone breaks a contract or agreement in your presence."


Plague of Demons :: 2 pt merit

Demons like you. While this might seem like a Merit, demons are not the most subtle of spirits and furthermore they often have little to no concept of the Masquerade. Demons will just walk up to your character on the street.

High Price :: 3 pt Merit

The Baali have their maximum physical traits reduced by 4 but the Baali gain a +2 trait bonus when using any discipline. This represents a missing body part or just being in poor health.

Angelis :: 4 pt Merit

Swap one of your in-clans for Oblivion

Daughters of Cacophony

Chorus Trained :: 3 pt Merit

When the Daughter acts in concert with another trained in Melpominee ( all at the same level) she gains a +3 trait bonus to all actions so long as they are both performing the same action.

True Performer :: 2 pt Merit

You may use a variety of Performance types with your Melpominee; Instruments, oratory, Rapping, etc

Scattered 3 pt Flaw

You may not take Awareness or Investigate. You literally cannot make the voices stop long enough to examine your surroundings.