Demon Backgrounds

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New Backgrounds

Infiltrator: Allows the Demon to grow influence in Supernatural Communities of a city by posing as a member. They can use influence to manipulate the community in the same way other communities manipulate humans.

 Super: Prince: The Demon is in charge of a single Supernatural community. Having this background consumes three of your actions each season. 

Confidant: A single person who knows who and what the demon truly is. They gain + 1 in all trait categories from an infusion of the Demons technology. In exchange, one of their actions each month goes to the Demon.

Super: The Demon is in charge of a community that grants him 3 additional actions. 

Artifact: The Demon Starts game with an item that has the Glitch tag.

Super: The Glitched item possesses Difficulty 5 worth of tags, twice. 

Alternate identity: Each Alternate identity is a whole separate body with its own Cover count, anytime the Demon gains Cover it must assign it to a different body.

Super: The Demon doubles the number of bodies it has in Stasis

Hellhole: The Demon creates a stable portal network into the 10 thousand hells, the Atrocity realm, the wasteland, or any other realm that could feasibly be called Hell. One per dot.

Super: The Demon has a portal that goes to any Hell

Safehouse: Works as per Haven, But cannot be seen by Angels.

Super: Same as haven

Infrastructure: The demon has subverted some of the machine’s infrastructure for themselves, once per month they can add their infrastructure rating to any construction, influence action, or project in the city.

Super: 5 points.