Gorgon Variations
Gorgon Variations
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Passive: All Gorgons can see wyld spirits, englings, epiphanies, and changelings.
Acclimation 5: At acclimation 5 Gorgons can transform into a lightning tornado, the tornado moves at 5 steps/round, deals 2L to every target in the scene each round, and is immune to level 3 or lower powers.
Wyld Skill(Max level 5)
Type: Gorgon
Keywords: Active
Retest: N/A
Charges: Charges equal to level
Slots: 2 Slots
Effect: A number of times per night equal to charges the gorgon can call any skill for any other skill.
Wyld Shaping(Max level 3)
Type: Gorgon
Keywords: Active
Retest: N/A
Charges: Charges equal to 2x Level
Slots: 1 Slot
Effect: The gorgon can spend a charge to activate anyone of these effects
- Level 1: The gorgon can bring the wyld into the world creating any cat 3 or +3 item for the scene(This item is immune to the level 3 power of this variation).
- Level 2: The gorgon can create an engling spirit that provides 5 energy to any creature once a night.
- Level 3: The gorgon brings the wyld into the scene, rendering all equipment in it unusable, no being can call trait bonuses from equipment, the wyld infused messes of weapons still deal normal damage. Weapons with the durable tag are immune to this power.
Chaos "Control"(Max level 3)
Type: Gorgon
Keywords: Socials(Expression) vs Physicals(defense)
Retest: N/A
Charges: Charges equal to 2x Level
Slots: 2 Slots
Effect: The gorgon can spend a charge to control the flow of chaos around them and bring it screaming to the forefront. This takes the form of a socials(Expression) vs physicals(defense) attack that deals 5A, and the target gains level energy, if it hits, deviants regain level charges on level variation.