Apocalypse Forms

From Eden Calling LARP
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Demons' Apocalypse forms are all Custom. They are a mishmash of Modifications. If a Demon assumes its Apocalypse form it loses 7 cover and gains the benefits of all of its modifications. For every round the Demon is in its Apocalypse form, it loses another cover.

They gain 10 extra health levels and 5 of all traits while in their Apocalypse form. A Demons form is present as it is actually their real form. All Creatures must make a Dif 5 Fear Frenzy when they first lay eyes on a Demon in his Apocalypse form or run. Angels are always in their apocalypse form, when not on a mission. Demons who lose all their Cover instantly enter their apocalypse form and Angels begin coming to the location.

Demons may Manifest individual components of their Apocalypse form for one cover per scene. These modifications are obvious, except for those marked as Subtle. If a Modification can be bought more than once, a Demon Still only Manifests one instance of said Modification. Each modification costs a Build point. A Demon can use experience to add more buildpoints to their apocalypse form, but starts with 10. Demons that have been on the run for a bit generally have 20, Older demons can have anywhere from 30-50. Angels have no buildpoint limit, or max purchases, as well as access to the newest and latest modifications. A demon can also completely respec their apocalypse form with an action (respending all build points.) Doing so costs a cover.

Modification Effect Build Points
Armored Plates Soak a damage from all sources 3(2 purchases)
Blade Hand 4T/4L Weapon 2
Claws 4t/3A Brawl Weapon 2
Electrical Sight Can hear and see telephone calls 1
Incredible Might Win Ties Physicals(Subtle) 4
Incredible Magnetism Win Ties Socials(Subtle) 4
Incredible Mind Win Ties Mentals(Subtle) 4
Rivet Arm 5T/3L full-auto Gun 2
Autoloader 1 firearms is fully reloaded every round 2(2 purchases)
Sight of God Count as Auspex 5 for seeing immaterial forms and obfuscate 4(2 if you have Unblinking Eye)
Blind Sense Immune to Blindness 1
Clairvoyant Gain a WP level retest on 1 challenge/round 3
Essence Drain Successful attacks rip 1 energy from the target and restore an aether 3
Fluid The demon can fit through small holes and change shape 2
Mirrored Skin The demon can fade from view after attacking as per ob 4, this counts as a level 5 hide 4(2 if you have Without a Trace)
Teleportation By expending their full move the demon teleports anywhere within LOS 5
Plasmaloop Demon gets +2 steps 1(max 10 purchases)
Electrical Jolt Melee and brawl attacks deal +1 Lethal damage 3(max 5 purchases, breaks cap)
Aegis Modification +3 Health Levels 2(max 5 purchases)
Split Attention You act twice in combat. You can use this with Momentum to take 4 actions 8
Forcefield You Gain a 3 Health force shield, that refreshes at the end of the round 4
Wings You fly at your full speed 2
Suffocate Make a Mentals(life sciences) vs ment(wp) against a target to cause them to begin suffocating(even if they can't) they take a -5 to all actions while suffocating 4
Rain of Fire Everyone else in The scene takes 1 AG each turn 2(max purchases 5)
Magnesium Flare Stuns an Angel for a round increasing countdown. Mentals (Physical Science) Vs Mentals (willpower) 3
Hack Reality The Demon may cause a single non-unique item to appear in the room at the start of each initiative. It cannot be larger than a Ford F-350. 3
Magnetism The Demon can use Telekinesis to move items about the room. Attacking with Cars deals 6 bashing. ( Note the car is destroyed by this) (subtle) 3
Ablative Shield Each purchase allows a use of negation for one attack 3(Max 5)
Demolisher Drill arm that deals 6A to buildings 4

Manifest: Manifesting a Modification costs a point of cover, and an additional point if they do so within the vision of any non demonic creature.. Walking around with it after manifesting is fine, they only pay the second cover cost if doing so in front of someone. The Demon may reflexively Manifest one Modification when they are attacked or at the start of initiative if they so choose.