The Great Web Machine Protocols

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Must be a member of the Great Web in good standing.

Great Web Machine Protocols

Level 1

Type D

Call Forth the Spider

Level 1: Summons forth a Net Spider to witness and conduct a meeting of the group.

See the pattern

Type B

Level 1: Creates small goggles that allow you to see pattern spiders in the area, and odd clusters of their activity like mechanoi nodes or(infernal lore 4: god-machine infrastructure).

Level 2

Level 2(Type A): By cracking and consuming half of 8 floppy disks, and sticking the other half to your non thumb fingers with screws, you can speak to and appear as a pattern spider until you remove the floppy disks from your hands. (This is an ob 2 illusion effect) Casting The ritual makes (herd+1) floppy stacks as a type A ritual.

Level 3

Weaving the Celestine code

Type B

This level 3 ritual can only be learned by those who have completed the third trial of the great web and has different effects based on which code the user has taken. The pattern spiders advise that no two members of the same web who have the same code take this ritual, but the success rate of level 3 is low enough this has not yet occured. Casting the ritual uses computers limited by spirit lore, or occult limited by computers, and takes 15 minutes unless otherwise stated. Once completed it modifies the body part you have lost with augmentation that resembles cybertech implantations(visible or not left to the discretion of the player), as a type B, unless otherwise stated. Every version of this ritual involves touching something with the limb or body part replaced in the 2nd trial of the web.

  • Sol's Judgement: Spend a willpower and touch a recently deceased body with your integrated body part, cremating the body you choose whether that creature becomes a wraith or reincarnates.
  • Mercury's Correspondence: You cast this ritual and the part of your body you replaced can create 2 connecting portals in your line of sight, so you can reach anywhere you can see with your hand for example for the scene.
  • Venus's Life: Touch Someone with the body part you replaced they heal 2 damage of any type, they can only be affected by this ritual once a night.
  • The Machine's Information: Slap a computer with your body part, it coughs up its most valuable piece of information, and gives you access to its systems.
  • Luna's Prime: Touch anything with the part of your body you replaced and you absorb 1 energy from it, which is converted to blood. Most often used on inanimate objects, in which case it absorbs electricity or essence, but can be used on a willing target who stays still for the casting. This ritual can only be cast once per night to gain blood from inanimate objects.
  • Mars's Forces: Once cast the part of your body that you replaced with the 2nd ritual converts two of it's damage to aggravated for the next hit with that body part after that the ritual has to be re-tuned(15 mins tune-up, computer or spirit lore diff 3)
  • Jupiter's Matter: Spend a willpower, Touch something with the body part you replaced, you change it’s form into another object of the same size. You Can’t create equipment that gives more than +3, and can’t create equipment from something that’s not already equipment. (+3 to +3 good, pencil to +3 no).
  • Saturn's Time: When you hit someone with the integrated body part, you give them bonus time, they slow down or speed up. The next time they enter a combat that night, they act as if they were wielding a weapon with the fast tag in their first round. You can also use this power to halve or double someone’s speed for 1 minute outside combat.
  • Uranus's Spirit: Touch the gauntlet or the shroud with your converted body part, you momentarily weaken the barrier in the scene and send a ripple effect out to any creature in the building you choose in the low umbra, middle umbra or material plane, with a message not longer than 2 sentences.
  • Neptune's Mind: Touch someone with the body part you replaced, including yourself, they are up +3 mental traits for the next lore challenge they make, targets can be affected by this power once per night.
  • Pluto's Entropy: Once cast you can point at someone with the body part you replaced, they gain one skill retest on their next challenge(Max 5, one target per night).
  • Darkness's Absolute: Cast on yourself at the beginning of the night, you are a true nightmare or maybe a god and are unaffected by true faith up to 4. This ritual takes an action to cast.
  • Unnamed's retribution: Touch a creature with your integrated body part. For the scene they gain a derangement and babble incoherently, this reduces their current willpower by 1. This is torture, and requires your victim to be bound afterwards they will probably tell you whatever you want if their mind isn’t broken. This ritual can only be cast on a target once per night.
  • Lilith's Kiss of death: You can touch someone and embrace them with your body part as the casting of a level 3 ritual without draining them of blood beforehand, otherwise it functions as a normal embrace. This has catastrophic effects used on other supernaturals, usually death, but they must be bound for the full fifteen minutes of the ritual casting and they’re not going to sit still that long.
  • Lilith's Gamliel: Reach out with your body part this traps a human’s soul inside it and destroys their body in the process. The leftovers is a soulgem containing 5 blood. You only have one soul gem at a time, this ritual takes an action to cast.
  • Samael's scales: Reach out and point, the target that you designated next chop is treated as a tie. This ritual takes an action to cast, and can only apply to an extended challenge.
  • A’arab Zaraq's theft: You steal time, reach out and touch a target with your body part, you take a part of their soul to use later, this takes one of their actions and gives you one. This ritual can only be cast once a month, and takes an action to cast(As type C). If you capture someone this can be used as a type F.
  • Thagirion's Rend: Touch the shroud or gauntlet with your body part, this causes a hole in the local barrier, by destroying the space where it exists. This can cause all sorts of creatures to pop through but can only be cast once a month, and closes in 5 minutes, in the meantime it allows travel between the material, middle umbra, and deadlands.
  • Asmodeus's Golchab: You are treated as wearing category 1 armor with no trait penalty, this armor does not stack with other armor.
  • Ishtar's Gha’ag Sheblah: By casting this ritual Turn an object or piece of equipment into a raw explosive that is 2 categories higher(Max 6) than the equipment bonus or category of the weapon/armor this ritual does not work on items with no equipment bonus or size category. Only one explosive can be maintained at a time with this ritual, and if it's not used before the end of the night it dissapears.
  • Lolth's Satariel: You may cast this ritual on a human or animal to reduces their mental traits by 1 permanently, and give them a Derangement.
  • Beelzebub's Ghagiel: You may cast this ritual on an object to destroy that object if it does not have the durable tag, this also destroys the spirit inside if it is rank 1 or lower and gives you 2 blood, 1 blood if it’s a rank 0, usable once per night.
  • ---%#$@$#'s Daath: Casting this ritual shatters your self such that you cannot be perceived by aura sight, your aura simply does not exist. Can cast on someone else but it only lasts for a night, you may only have one instance of this ritual active at any given time. As this is a level 3 power level 4+ auspex powers still function normally on you such as mind probe, and can see your aura.
  • Thaumiel's Absolute: Throw your beast out and talk with it, your meditate action counts for 4 this month, this ritual takes an action to cast. (Type C)