Masters of Shadows

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Lasombra’s connection to the Abyss is an intense and extremely personal one. Other Kindred learn Oblivion, but the Lasombra ARE Oblivion. The Abyss influences them, and in turn, they influence the abyss. While their own mind is a rowboat against the endless tide of the Abyssal sea, their personality can influence how the Abyss Manifest forth from their bodies.

Externally, when other Kindred learn about these groupings of Lasombra, they sometimes refer to them as factions, but that implies a level of understanding, cooperation, and leadership, where none exists. Each Lasombra views themselves as a captain alone amidst their fellows and views their mind as their palace and their palace alone. From the outside in there are certainly certain themes among these “factions” that create similarities between Lasombra, though it is hard for them to see it as such. Some of these expressions of abyssal power make sense, while others are uniquely Lasombra in their manifestation. Perhaps the Lasombra have a greater effect on shaping the nature of the abyss than even they know.

Each of these powers represents a refinement of Oblivion that the Lasombra has mastered through self Discipline. The Lasombra alters how their Shroud of Night works and can no longer use the original version.

A Lasombra may learn each of the following Alterations for 5 exp each. They CAN teach other clans the powers, but doing so is extremely frowned upon. For other clans they cost 15 exp


Dedication: You may not live in the city but must live on the ocean. You do not have influence in any one city but may own items.

Benefit: On any challenge where the specialty, Sailing, would apply, you have an additional skill retest that can go above 5. Invokable once a Scene.

Oblivion Refinement: The Black Sea: Level 2

The power creates a sphere of dark inky water. It applies no blindness penalty but reduces any steps within it by two. This does not apply to the caster or her pack. Powers that work on water work on this sphere of abyss water.


Dedication: You must defend the sabbat. People disparaging the Sabbat provoke a frenzied test. Equal to Road rating.

Benefit: On ability tests where a Sabbat specialty would apply, you have an additional skill retest that can go above 5. Invokable once a Scene.

Oblivion Refinement: Abyssal Embrace: Level 2

You concentrate the shades into jet-black armor. It is two trait of armor that regenerates each round after it is broken. Though this is a transformation power, but it can explicitly stack with Black Metamorphosis.


Dedication: You must tithe to the church each month. (Action Spent using church Influence in some way.)

Benefit: On Intimidate tests where a human specialty would apply, you have an additional skill retest that can go above 5. Invokable once a Scene.

Oblivion Refinement: Fall and Pray: Level 2

When you activate your Shroud, there is a mass test against [10 traits Socials (No retests) vs Socials (willpower). Failure causes a subject to drop to its knees and contemplate the benevolence of night. It has none of the other effects of Shroud.


Dedication: If anyone besides yourself murders a human near you, you lose a path rating if you don't immediately try to kill them. Ghouls don't count. All Humans are your Humans.

Benefit: On Leadership test where the specialty Human would apply, you have an additional skill retest that can go above 5.Invokable once a Scene.

Oblivion Refinement: Shroud of Dusk Level 2

Shroud of the night will not kill mortals; it just renders them unconscious. It deals 3 bashing per round but applies no Blindness retest.

Children of the Abyss

Dedication: You must always torture before you kill.

Benefit: Reinforce Haven actions count double

Oblivion Refinement: Dark Sanctum Level 2

You gain the Ritual Create Oubliette for Free when your purchase Oblivion 2. Your Oubliette is larger. You gain your Oubliette rating in traits on all actions performed within your Oubliette instead of just rituals. Lastly, You may take 10 minutes of uninterrupted focus while within the boundaries of your Shroud of Night to teleport yourself back to your Oubliette. Your Shroud of Night deals no damage.


Dedication: Tell no one your true name. You must be an enigma; you exist as a symbol.

Benefit: Whenever your break into a place, or trespass, you must leave a calling card. If you intend to do so, you gain an additional security retest above your maximum, callable once per scene.

Oblivion Change: Cloak of Shadows -Level 2.

The Villain loses Shroud of Night and gains Cloak of Shadows in its place. While active, this cloak obscures the Villain's movements granting them Oblivion + 1 in traits as an equipment bonus on Stealth. They may also call Oblivion's skill as retests on stealth tests.


Dedication: Never use a social skill besides intimidation (except for discipline retests). You don't bargain. Yours is to give commands, and theirs is to follow.

Benefit: On Intimidate Retests where the specialty Vampire would apply, you have one additional phantom skill retest, useable once per scene.

Oblivion Change: Eyes of Despair -Level 2.

You open portals to the abyss in your eyes; You may use Dread Gaze as an Oblivion power (Uses oblivion's retest). If you also possess Dreadgaze from Presence, you gain +2 traits (untyped) on the attempt, with either discipline or power.