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Argos is the power of travel of the tempest, and mastery of darkness. It is the signature arcanoi of the harbingers guild.


Eyes of the Dead

Challenge: N/A Cost: None Duration: Permanent

Wraiths with this power can see in the dark and magical darkness perfectly. If they are blinded by other means this power removes the blindness retest.

⚫⚫ Shadow Weapon

Challenge: None Cost: 1 Pathos Duration: One scene

A wraith with this power can spend 1 pathos to materialize a melee or ranged weapon made of shadowed tempest water for the scene, it has 3 traits and does 3 lethal.

⚫⚫⚫⚫Shadow Cloak

Challenge: Mass Mentals(Stealth) vs Mentals(No retests) Cost: One pathos Duration: Until dismissed This power functions as Obfuscate 4 the wraith becomes cloaks itself in the tempest and becomes invisible compare argos level to auspex equivalents to break this power. You must Make a mentals(Stealth) vs mentals(willpower) against everyone present to fade, you fade away at the end of the round.


Challenge: None Cost: One pathos Duration: One round

This power allows the wraith to escape to their fetter by teleporting away. At the end of the round they activate this power they disappear to a fetter of their choosing, other creatures in the scene with jump or similar powers may choose to follow them, but the location of the fetter in the deadlands, especially for spectres is not always safe.

⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ Phantom wings

Challenge: None Cost: 2 Pathos Duration: Until dismissed or scene

The wraith spends 2 pathos to gain black shadow wings, the wings grant them flight with no extra steps and no penalty. The wraith gain an extra defense and athletics retest as the wings block attacks, which can bring them above their ability maximum, and they may always call 1 defense or athletics even if they're out. This power may be activated at the start of the round, during refreshing of skills.