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Level 3 Harmless: The Caitiff may spend a Blood. So long as they have taken no offensive actions, threatening actions, or contributed to combat in any way in a scene other characters must make a conscience check (Dif 4) to strike them.
Level 3 Harmless: The Caitiff may spend a Blood. So long as they have taken no offensive actions, threatening actions, or contributed to combat in any way in a scene other characters must make a conscience check (Dif 4) to strike them.
'''Gifts of the Night King''' Mentals
Developed by Claude LaChance
Some consider the Duskborn little more than shadows of what they could’ve been but for an unfortunate accident of blood. This discipline shows that the shadows have powers of their own.
Level 1 The Shadow Advance: Scene long, The Kindred forges an item from his own shadows that can be used to perform a task. Spend a blood and choose a skill, an item is created that grants bonus traits equal to the Kindred's level in this discipline for the scene. The item is destroyed if exposed to direct light.
Level 2 The Shadow Destroys: Until dismissed, The Kindred rips away pieces of an opponent's own shadow and uses it to strike them down. By spending 1 blood the Kindred may steal a target's shadow and anoint a melee weapon (or their fist if unarmed). That weapon is now considered to have a Ward against that creature type. This does not stack with other Wards. The Kindred may only have one weapon anointed in this way at a time and cannot allow it to be wielded by another. If the weapon leaves their hand the ability ends and the shadow returns to its owner. Exposure to bright light such as a spot light, Sunlight, or a strobe light destroys the link as well.
Level 3 The Shadow Conquers: Night long, The Shadows of others become toys in the hand of the Night King. This allows the Kindred to tear away an opponent's shadow completely. The Kindred engages in a Physical(Athletics) v.s. The target's Physicals(Defense) and if they are successful the target's shadow fades away and appears as an item on the Kindred’s person such as a ring, a cloak, or a gem. For the duration of the night the Kindred can pull power from the shadow to refill their blood pool as if drinking from the target directly. A kindred cannot draw more blood points from the shadow in a round than they could spend and cannot pull more than 3 blood total from a single target in an evening.  Since the Kindred is pulling power directly from a target’s shadow, blood gained in this manner does not confer blood bonds but it also cannot be used as a magical link to the target for use in rituals or for powers such as A Taste for Blood (Path of Blood 1) and it cannot be used to kill, diablerize, or torpor supernatural targets.Exposure to bright light such as a spot light, Sunlight, or a strobe light destroys the link as well. Only one target can habe their shadow stolen at a time.

Revision as of 14:33, 19 March 2022

DuskBorn Disciplines.

Caitiff, or Duskborn as some particularly entrepreneurial caitiff have tried to rebrand themselves in modern nights, are the dregs of kindred society. Their blood is so removed from the source of Vampirism that the curse of the clans is barely noticeable in their blood. However due to this their bodies and powers, while weaker are more malleable than an average kindred. Caitiff possess the ability to create customized Thin Blood disciplines that, while weaker than average disciplines, allows them to harness the powers of their blood to perform more specific tasks.

Each Caitiff can create only one discipline personally, something about the blood alchemy performed locks the kindred’s conception of what their blood can do, and makes it nigh impossible for a Caitiff to birth another discipline into existence. It is theorized there may be a way for a Caitiff to design multiple, but the practice is relatively new in the first place and most caitiff are too busy running for their lives, to spend time experimenting with their blood. Caitiff who do “specialize” in Discipline creation do exist but for the most part, they mentor another kindred and help them design one.

There is a trade market for finished Caitiff disciplines as any Duskborn can learn the unique discipline of any other Duskborn at in clan costs. As a trade-off Duskborn pay more for level 5 disciplines than normal kindred as it is hard for them to make their blood perform incredible feats.

Other kindred can learn Duskborn disciplines but they are more expensive. It’s hard to convince the blood to stretch its limits.

Creating a Duskborn discipline takes

Guidelines for creating your own disciplines.

  • The discipline will have three levels.
  • It will be weaker than a normal discipline
  • Its best level will only ever be about as good as a level 3-4 discipline. Its lowest level should be as or less powerful than a level 1 discipline.
  • Do not base your discipline’s power on it being less good than Potence 2. Potence 2 is better than a level 2 discipline should be on purpose.
  • It must be built around a single defining concept, that can be explained in a sentence of less than six words. “ It's about cowboy shit” GOOD! “It’s about the experience that a person has when they take their first bite of ice cream and the sorrow that comes knowing they will never have that joy again.” No
  • A Caitiff discipline can never require or allow a kindred to spend more than one blood for added effect.
  • Powers that mirror already existing powers will usually be rejected.
  • Caitiff Disciplines can never make the player spend a willpower.
  • If you are a caitiff player starting out and want to be the creator of any of the below disciplines let me know, people will have to owe you boons to start with it.
  • If you don’t want to design the discipline yourself talk to staff about the concept and we will work with you on it.
  • Designing a Caitiff discipline in character takes research actions.

Blood Botany: Mental
Developed by Rose Corbin

All blood botany levels require one month to grow and are grown as bluebook actions. A vampire can create up to 3 blood fruits per action spent. Consuming the fruit takes a full action

Level 1 Blood vegetable: Growing a Blood vegetable takes one month. food prepared with the Blood vegetable is palatable to kindred. The Vegetable does not possess the ability to blood bond anyone, but food prepared with it could still be spiked.

Level 2 Blood Orange: The Blood Orange allows the Vampire to store excess blood points inside the blood orange. A blood orange holds one point of the kindred vitae.

Level 3 Blood Melon: Blood Melons heal a single level of aggravated damage, and require a living human to grow them with. The human doesn’t die from the process but the pain of the melon feeding off them is immense

When Doves Cry: Physical

This discipline only works with a gun the caitiff is familiar with. They must spend a bluebook to become familiar with a new gun.

Level 1: Quick Draw: Any Firearm the Caitiff wields has the Fast tag

Level 2 Fan the Hammer: Any firearm the Caitiff wields has the Full auto tag.

Level 3 Rapid Reload: The Caitiff can reload a firearm at the cost of three steps

Bump of the White Angel Social
Developed by Ives

As a part of using this discipline, the caitiff or the target must do a bump of cocaine.

Level 1 Focus on the Rush: The Caitiff gains a discipline retest on his next virtue test but takes an unsoakable lethal damage.

Level 2 Make you Miss it: The Caitiff can make a social action to give a target the feelings of withdrawal. When the power is used they name a Skill. The next time the targeted kindred wants to refresh the named skill he must spend 2 willpower.

Level 3 Scatterbrained: The Caitiff may take two single-target social actions in a turn but always loses ties on the actions.

Kineticism Physical Discipline, Combinable with Celerity

This Discipline allows the Caitiff to control force itself, albeit to a limited degree. It was created by a former hunter turned Baron, who now resides in Austin Texas.

Level 1 Reflective Shield: Costs a Blood. Anytime the Caitiff is struck by an attack, the attacker takes one bashing as the kinetic force is redirected back at them.

Level 2 Redirection: The Caitiff may hold an action and abort it when another character makes a firearms attack. They may oppose that attack using Athletics (Potence applies) If successful they may redirect that attack at any other target in the scene (Firearms vs Defense as normal)

Level 3 Discharge: The Caitiff may spend a blood. For the round, the damage of any Ballistic weapon they use is increased by one.

Blood Alchemy: Mental

This discipline allows the Caitiff some control over their blood and the blood of others. The creator of this discipline was picked up by the Camarilla and now travels with the Brujah Justicar, as his Secretary.

Level 1 How do you do that much Cocaine?: The user can identify impurities in blood as she drinks and choose to spit it out before the toxin enters their system

Level 2 Moxie: You cannot be triple overbid by other characters. You can still be triple overbid by static challenges.

Level 3 Wake the Fuck up: The user can awaken a slumbering kindred from torpor no matter what by spending a point of vitae and pouring in the recipient’s mouth. The kindred regains a health level and is clear-minded for the first 5 minutes. This does not remove a stake, so if the kindred is staked they will be staked again after five minutes if the stake is not removed. Once per scene

Someone Else’s Shoes. Social

This power allows the caitiff some control over his appearance and abilities by using their blood to reshape their body. It was created by a Caitiff who was ?adopted? By a Tzimisce in California.

Level 1 Profane Hieros Gamos: The user can swap between a preselected Masculine and Feminine appearance. The two always look at least a little similar, like siblings. The user can swap by spending blood, takes 30 seconds.

Level 2 Oooh Let me Try: When a Caitiff drinks blood from a target they may steal skill from the target for the night by spending willpower. They may only store one skill at a time. The Caitiff never gets more than four levels in the skill even if the target had 5.

Level 3 Face Thief: The Kindred can cut off another person’s face and attach it to their own, spending blood as they press it to their skull. For the remainder of the night, the caitiff appears to be that person. Auspex 3+ can tell that this power has been used as two auras appear. Can’t be used on kindred who ash when their face is cut off but can be used to mimic kindred less than 50 years old.

Tools of the Trade Mental

The Caitiff can turn his blood into a thick black tar-like substance that increases the effectiveness of anything he uses. The bonuses work only for the caitiff. At the end of any scene, the equipment falls apart.

Level 1 Turning Lead into Gold: The Kindred can spend blood to boost the effectiveness of an item for the scene. It becomes two Traits more effective to a maximum of 4.

Level 2 Quick Fix: By spending a blood, the Caitiff can rip, tear, and adjust a make-shift (improvised weapon) so that it provides no trait penalty.

Level 3 Blood Bombs: The caitiff spends a blood as they hurl an explosive. This increases the grenade’s damage by one and causes the grenade to be treated as a 1-trait thrown weapon, that deals 1 lethal base.

Little Lamb social

The Caitiff uses the power of their blood to suppress their predatory nature and lull victims into a false sense of security.

Level 1 Outrageous Flirt: The Caitiff can shortcut seduction. By exposing a bit of skin, spending a blood and making eyes at a human he may force the mortal to make a self-control check (Dif 2.) Any time after that, if the kindred suggests leaving with him, the human will agree.

Level 2 Crocodile Tear: Whenever a Caitiff is being accused of something they may spend blood to appear as innocent as possible. Targets in the room must make a conscience check (Dif 3) or they will stop questioning the Caitiff and try to comfort them and let them go. If anyone else in the room points out that it’s weird, or that power was used, the effects of this power break.

Level 3 Harmless: The Caitiff may spend a Blood. So long as they have taken no offensive actions, threatening actions, or contributed to combat in any way in a scene other characters must make a conscience check (Dif 4) to strike them.

Gifts of the Night King Mentals Developed by Claude LaChance

Some consider the Duskborn little more than shadows of what they could’ve been but for an unfortunate accident of blood. This discipline shows that the shadows have powers of their own.

Level 1 The Shadow Advance: Scene long, The Kindred forges an item from his own shadows that can be used to perform a task. Spend a blood and choose a skill, an item is created that grants bonus traits equal to the Kindred's level in this discipline for the scene. The item is destroyed if exposed to direct light.

Level 2 The Shadow Destroys: Until dismissed, The Kindred rips away pieces of an opponent's own shadow and uses it to strike them down. By spending 1 blood the Kindred may steal a target's shadow and anoint a melee weapon (or their fist if unarmed). That weapon is now considered to have a Ward against that creature type. This does not stack with other Wards. The Kindred may only have one weapon anointed in this way at a time and cannot allow it to be wielded by another. If the weapon leaves their hand the ability ends and the shadow returns to its owner. Exposure to bright light such as a spot light, Sunlight, or a strobe light destroys the link as well.

Level 3 The Shadow Conquers: Night long, The Shadows of others become toys in the hand of the Night King. This allows the Kindred to tear away an opponent's shadow completely. The Kindred engages in a Physical(Athletics) v.s. The target's Physicals(Defense) and if they are successful the target's shadow fades away and appears as an item on the Kindred’s person such as a ring, a cloak, or a gem. For the duration of the night the Kindred can pull power from the shadow to refill their blood pool as if drinking from the target directly. A kindred cannot draw more blood points from the shadow in a round than they could spend and cannot pull more than 3 blood total from a single target in an evening.  Since the Kindred is pulling power directly from a target’s shadow, blood gained in this manner does not confer blood bonds but it also cannot be used as a magical link to the target for use in rituals or for powers such as A Taste for Blood (Path of Blood 1) and it cannot be used to kill, diablerize, or torpor supernatural targets.Exposure to bright light such as a spot light, Sunlight, or a strobe light destroys the link as well. Only one target can habe their shadow stolen at a time.