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Not Dismissable
Type B, Level 5
Caster must sacrifice a diamond worth resources 3, a single item weighing no more than 50 pounds becomes unbreakable by anything short of a level 5 power. Its traits do not change in any other way. This ritual takes an action to cast.
Caster must sacrifice a diamond worth resources 3, a single item weighing no more than 50 pounds becomes unbreakable by anything short of a level 5 power. Its traits do not change in any other way. This ritual takes an action to cast. Weapons so affected gain the Durable tag.  
'''Heart of Brittle Iron'''
As per the lvl 4 ritual, Leaden Heart but dismissable at will reflexively. doing so costs 1 lethal health level. The ritual requires the material component of a diamond worth resources 3 which is not consumed in the casting but if the ritual is ended early it shatters and is no longer useable.
'''Eyes of the Beast'''
See Eyes of the Night Hawk but works on any animal.
'''Lightning Gate'''
'''Lightning Gate'''
Not Dismissible
Type B, Level 5
  Caster draws two diagrams upon two different walls using two points of their blood. That night at midnight the two diagrams synchronize, anyone spilling a point of blood upon the diagram is instantaneously transported to the other diagram. Gates must be used once a year to stay in sync. the blood is consumed and vaporized.  This Ritual takes an action to cast on either end so two actions to create a link.
  Caster draws two diagrams upon two different walls using two points of their blood. That night at midnight the two diagrams synchronize, anyone spilling a point of blood upon the diagram is instantaneously transported to the other diagram. Gates must be used once a year to stay in sync. The blood is consumed and vaporized.  This Ritual takes an action to cast on either end so two actions to create a link.
'''Blood Contract'''
'''Blood Contract'''
Not Dismissible
Type A, Level 5
A paper must be prepared for three days and steeped in kindred blood for that time. The caster and all signatories must spend a point of blood to activate the contract. The contract must be written out of character and submitted to no fewer than three staff members. The contract must be entered into willingly by all parties, no mental compulsions can apply. The contract is also limited to agreements for all parties involved to perform or not perform a service by a specific time. This contract is adjudicated by a spirit, called when the contract is written. The spirit is badly biased against the caster and for any other parties. When a party breeches the contract the spirit applies 10 health levels worth of unsoakable aggravated damage to the party who has breached, and the contract is disintegrated. The contract is no sturdier than cardstock. The spell ends if the contract is destroyed. This ritual takes an action to cast.
A paper must be prepared for three days and steeped in kindred blood for that time. The caster and all signatories must spend a point of blood to activate the contract. The contract must be written out of character and submitted to no fewer than three staff members. The contract must be entered into willingly by all parties, no mental compulsions can apply. The contract is also limited to agreements for all parties involved to perform or not perform a service by a specific time. This contract is adjudicated by a spirit, called when the contract is written. The spirit is badly biased against the caster and for any other parties. When a party breaches the contract the spirit applies 10 health levels worth of unsoakable aggravated damage to the party who has breached, and the contract is disintegrated. The contract is no sturdier than cardstock. The spell ends if the contract is destroyed. Creating a Blood Contract paper takes action. Actually filling out the paper an be done in game.
Non Dismissible
Caster bathes a tick in a point of their blood then paints a magical sigil on it. They then somehow place the tick on the victim requiring you to touch the victim on the head. The victim makes a perception related mental challenge vs the caster's physicals with subterfuge as a retest, defender gets awareness as a retest. Once the tick has been successfully deployed it burrows into the ear and at sunset each day the tick reduces their mental traits by one permanently. It is a medicine test of 15 traits with 3 retests. This continues until the victim is reduced to 1 mental trait. The tick then dies of starvation. This ritual takes an action to cast.
'''One Mind of the Covens'''
'''One Mind of the Covens'''
Type D, Level 5
You cast this ritual and you can hear, in your head all of the Tremere regents on your continent that care to speak. They can also hear you, you cannot exclude anyone. This spell lasts no more than 7 hours. The Giovanni one allows you to speak with the 8 highest ranking Giovanni in north America, the Setite version allows you to speak with the 4 highest ranking setite priests in America, the Assamite version allows you to speak with Al Ashrad. 
'''Paper Flesh'''
You must have a trait of the victim's blood. Starting at the end of casting this ritual lasts for 1 hour. The victim loses the use of Fortitude levels 1-4, but not any of the level 5 powers.
'''Shadowland Passage'''
Not Dismissible
The vampire may appear in their location in the Shadowlands. She does this by stabbing herself in the heart with a silver dagger which has a vampire fang in the hilt. (This ritual inflicts at least two levels of damage that can not be soaked.) She then falls into a body of water that can completely cover her.
'''Thirst Unquenchable'''
Not Dismissible
This ritual uses a handful of salt which must be thrown at the victim and hit. The victim suffers a +2 difficulty to thirst-related frenzy rolls, and any blood they drink while the ritual is active gives only half nourishment. This curse lasts 28 days. Creating the salt takes an action.
'''Umbral Walk'''
Not Dismissible
Caster kills a living creature with at least four health levels. They are then transported into the middle umbra next to where the creature died. You must return to the corpse of the slain creature by dawn or be trapped.
'''Ghost in the System'''
You cast this ritual and you can hear, in your head, all of the Tremere regents on your continent that care to speak. They can also hear you, you cannot exclude anyone. This spell lasts no more than 7 hours. The Giovanni one allows you to speak with the 8 highest ranking Giovanni in north America, the Setite version allows you to speak with the 4 highest ranking setite priests in America, the Assamite version allows you to speak with Al Ashrad. If the thing you are calling about isn't important or vital they may ask why you didn’t use the phone.
'''Shadowland Passage, Umbral Walk, Heaven's gate'''
Caster spends a temporary willpower and fills out all of the necessary paperwork for citizenship, drivers licenses, SSN, etc, for the land in which they live(requires at least a dot of bureaucracy to cast). The papers are then burned and a new identity complete with social security number etc is inserted untraceably into the system as though it were real. Attempts to ferret out this identity as false face a 25 trait 5 retest challenge. This ritual takes an action to cast.
Type A, Level 5
Pavis of Dark Dementia
The vampire may appear in their location in the Shadowlands ( Deadlands). She does this by stabbing herself in the heart with a silver dagger which has a vampire fang in the hilt. (This ritual inflicts at least two levels of damage that can not be soaked.) She then falls into a body of water that can completely cover her. Creating the daggers that allow the passage takes an action. The Vampire suffers 1 Lethal as long as the dagger remains in their chest. If they remove the dagger they leave the deadlands after 1 round of being helpless and the vampiric tooth becomes ash, rendering the item non magical. Alternatively, the Vampire may create daggers that allow travel to the Middle or High Umbra.  Middle umbral daggers require animal sacrifice as part of the casting, while High Umbral ones inflict two ag on the vampire. Going into the High umbral is not recommended as the things there can hurt you without you being able to hurt them.  
Has not been invented, that's totally on y'all nor has any other pavis clone for the various other disciplines.
'''Soul of the Homunculus'''
'''Soul of the Homunculus'''
Not Dismissible
Type B, Level 5
Caster creates a 6 inch high winged creature with 3 physical traits and 1 health level. it has the caster's Mentals and Socials. It has all skills at one level lower than the caster's current total. It can be telepathically commanded by the caster. It will remain alive as long as the caster feeds it 1 blood per month, it has 2 willpower. This ritual takes an action to cast.
'''Nectar of The Bitter Rose aka, Rite of the Amaranth Rose'''
  Caster creates a 6 inch high winged creature . It can be telepathically commanded by the caster. It will remain alive as long as the caster feeds it 1 blood per month, it has 2 willpower. This ritual takes an action to cast. It functions as a Guard or Investigator Ghoul, who can use Thaumaturgy but not disciplines. Its max Physicals is 5.  
Tremere Mostly.. all others must ask.
  Caster and up to 4 others (maximum 5 total) drain a kindred's blood and mince up their body until it is ash into a bowl. They then all drink from the bowl and their generation betters by one if the kindred so minced had a better generation than the drinker. You get no exp from the diablerie but also no tests or chances of personality change, no memories, nothing.  
'''Stone Of The True Form'''
'''Stone Of The True Form'''
Not Dismissible
Type A, Level 5
  Caster spends 5 blood which calcifies into a stone. Whosoever touches this stone immediately reverts to their true form upon contact for as long as contact is maintained. Protean shapechanges, viscissitude, obtenebration shadow forms and any other shape changing powers cease, if they have a definite duration i.e. 1 hour then they will resume once the stone is removed. If they are instantaneous like Shape of The Beast, Shadow Body etc, they must be re cast to take effect. The victim, and usually also the caster cannot change forms while the stone touches them. To use this in combat requires a successful grapple maintain their lock on their true form, but not dispel instantaneous effects, that merely requires a successful physical attack. The stone dissolves into inert blood at the next dawn. This ritual takes an action to cast.
  Caster spends 3 blood which calcifies into a stone. Whosoever touches this stone immediately reverts to their true form upon contact . For as long as contact is maintained no power with the Transformation keyword can be used. If the attack is successful then the target loses their transformation power and must reactivate it as per usual. The victim, and usually also the caster cannot change forms while the stone touches them. Touching a target with the stone requires a successful Brawl, or athletics attack to throw the stone. This attack does no damage but forces the transformed character to make a Self Control test (Dif 4) (This is not a frenzy so Willpower/ permanent self control expenditure does not apply) Failure results in them losing their transformation. Once activated the stone loses its potency over the course of a night. The ritual ends any power with the Transformation Keyword
'''Crafting The Stone Servant'''
'''Crafting The Stone Servant'''
Type F, Level 5
Requires Storyteller Adjudication in each case. Usually turns a Gangrel, Nosferatu or Tzimisce into a Gargoyle. Erasing their mind and memories in the process. Variations on this ritual exist for some other clans. Individual mileage may vary. This ritua takes an action to cast
'''Mephistophelian Minx'''
  Requires Storyteller Adjudication in each case. Usually turns a Gangrel, Nosferatu or Tzimisce into a Gargoyle. Erasing their mind and memories in the process. Variations on this ritual exist for some other clans. Individual mileage may vary. This ritual takes an action to cast.
Not Dismissible
  The caster invests a point of their blood in a cat, their total blood pool is reduced by one. The cat gains a malign sentience. The cat then goes out to find a sleeping child. Their breath is stolen in the night, if this happens to the same child over 3 nights they will die. The cat returns with the baby's breath and breathes into the nostrils of the caster. The caster regains a willpower and their blood pool and the cat return to normal. The cat will almost inevitably return with the willpower in 2 hours if their master is where they left them. If the caster has moved the cat will try and find the master as best it can. If the cat is in some way interrupted or imprisoned and cannot return to its master the caster will only regain use of their invested blood point or points when their willpower is at full by whatever means. Tracking down the cat may be prudent.
'''Unweave Ritual'''
'''Unweave Ritual'''
Type D, Level 5
  Caster Spends one willpower and draws sigils upon the ritual to be unwoven with one blood trait per level of the ritual. He must then succeed at an occult challenge of equal difficulty to the ritual's casting External styles are easier Internal styles harder, see Ritual. If he succeeds the ritual dissipates, if he fails he may not try again on the same ritual until after dawn next comes.
  Caster Spends one willpower and draws sigils upon the ritual to be unwoven with one blood trait per level of the ritual. He must then succeed at an occult challenge of equal the level of the ritual. This can be used to remove the magic from any ritually made item, or being. Takes 5 minutes to cast.  
'''Canopic Jar'''
'''Canopic Jar'''
Not Dismissable
Type F, Level 5
  The caster must have the subject completely helpless on a stone slab large enough to hold the subject's body. Then they must successfully remove the heart (extended medicine challenge 10 traits 2 retests) and place it in a specially prepared vessel worth at least resources 3, this vessel is reusable if the subject dies but cannot store more than one heart at a time. If this is done correctly the subject's heart will continue to live in the jar. That which is done to the subject is done to the heart and vise versa. Damage applied to the heart is applied to the subject, spells cast upon the subject are detectable on the heart and so on. The heart (except in some odd cases does not possess eyes so cannot be used to establish eye contact. While this situation continues the subject has an additional trait to avoid all frenzies and can only be staked if the stake pierces his heart, which is in the jar.
  The caster must have the subject completely helpless on a stone slab large enough to hold the subject's body. Then they must successfully remove the heart (extended medicine challenge 10 traits 2 retests) and place it in a specially prepared vessel worth at least resources 3, this vessel is reusable if the subject dies but cannot store more than one heart at a time. If this is done correctly the subject's heart will continue to live in the jar. That which is done to the subject is done to the heart and vice versa. Damage applied to the heart is applied to the subject, spells cast upon the subject are detectable on the heart and so on. The heart (except in some odd cases does not possess eyes so cannot be used to establish eye contact. While this situation continues the subject has an additional trait to avoid all frenzies and can only be staked if the stake pierces his heart, which is in the jar.
First note there are some rules regarding the duration of this spell. When this spell is learned one can learn one of three versions. Version 1: It can be maintained by someone performing a rite over the jar at a difficulty of 5 traits 1 retest every night. Version 2: if done on a willing subject the subject loses an exp track for 1 month, if done on the unwilling the caster loses an exp track for a month. In either case the spell is permanent. Version 3. Neither the Heart nor the subject can move from the city in which it was removed from the subject without crumbling to ash. So long as both heart and subject remain in the city the spell is permanent. In all cases if this ritual is unwoven or dispelled the subject dies. In order for the spell to be ended nonfatally the heart mus be replaced in the subject (a medicine challenge 15 traits 3 retests)
The target must be helpless to do this ritual. The Heart remains in Stasis unless something happens to the Jar. Replacing the heart Requires a Dif 4 Medicine test.
  This is a series of rituals, each that ward against a different type of creatures.There are Seven different wards
Type B, Level 5
Kindred, Changing Breed, Hunter, Mage, Wraith, Demon, Fae. Each ward adds an additional level of lethal damage to the weapon when striking the correct type of target. Applying a Ward costs $10,000 in materials and a Craft Bluebook action.
  This is a series of rituals, each that works against a different type of creature. There are Many different wards, each listed creature type must be bought separately.
Kindred, Changing Breed, Hunter, Mage, Wraith, Demon, Fae, Spirit. Each ward adds an additional level of lethal damage to the weapon when striking the correct type of target. Applying a Ward costs $10,000 in materials. A Mage may apply any number of wards to a weapon its just expensive.

Latest revision as of 09:56, 14 August 2024


Type B, Level 5

Caster must sacrifice a diamond worth resources 3, a single item weighing no more than 50 pounds becomes unbreakable by anything short of a level 5 power. Its traits do not change in any other way. This ritual takes an action to cast. Weapons so affected gain the Durable tag.

Lightning Gate

Type B, Level 5

Caster draws two diagrams upon two different walls using two points of their blood. That night at midnight the two diagrams synchronize, anyone spilling a point of blood upon the diagram is instantaneously transported to the other diagram. Gates must be used once a year to stay in sync. The blood is consumed and vaporized.  This Ritual takes an action to cast on either end so two actions to create a link.

Blood Contract

Type A, Level 5

A paper must be prepared for three days and steeped in kindred blood for that time. The caster and all signatories must spend a point of blood to activate the contract. The contract must be written out of character and submitted to no fewer than three staff members. The contract must be entered into willingly by all parties, no mental compulsions can apply. The contract is also limited to agreements for all parties involved to perform or not perform a service by a specific time. This contract is adjudicated by a spirit, called when the contract is written. The spirit is badly biased against the caster and for any other parties. When a party breaches the contract the spirit applies 10 health levels worth of unsoakable aggravated damage to the party who has breached, and the contract is disintegrated. The contract is no sturdier than cardstock. The spell ends if the contract is destroyed. Creating a Blood Contract paper takes action. Actually filling out the paper an be done in game. 

One Mind of the Covens

Type D, Level 5

You cast this ritual and you can hear, in your head, all of the Tremere regents on your continent that care to speak. They can also hear you, you cannot exclude anyone. This spell lasts no more than 7 hours. The Giovanni one allows you to speak with the 8 highest ranking Giovanni in north America, the Setite version allows you to speak with the 4 highest ranking setite priests in America, the Assamite version allows you to speak with Al Ashrad. If the thing you are calling about isn't important or vital they may ask why you didn’t use the phone. 

Shadowland Passage, Umbral Walk, Heaven's gate

Type A, Level 5

The vampire may appear in their location in the Shadowlands ( Deadlands). She does this by stabbing herself in the heart with a silver dagger which has a vampire fang in the hilt. (This ritual inflicts at least two levels of damage that can not be soaked.) She then falls into a body of water that can completely cover her. Creating the daggers that allow the passage takes an action. The Vampire suffers 1 Lethal as long as the dagger remains in their chest. If they remove the dagger they leave the deadlands after 1 round of being helpless and the vampiric tooth becomes ash, rendering the item non magical. Alternatively, the Vampire may create daggers that allow travel to the Middle or High Umbra.  Middle umbral daggers require animal sacrifice as part of the casting, while High Umbral ones inflict two ag on the vampire. Going into the High umbral is not recommended as the things there can hurt you without you being able to hurt them. 

Soul of the Homunculus

Type B, Level 5

Caster creates a 6 inch high winged creature . It can be telepathically commanded by the caster. It will remain alive as long as the caster feeds it 1 blood per month, it has 2 willpower. This ritual takes an action to cast. It functions as a Guard or Investigator Ghoul, who can use Thaumaturgy but not disciplines. Its max Physicals is 5. 

Stone Of The True Form

Type A, Level 5

Caster spends 3 blood which calcifies into a stone. Whosoever touches this stone immediately reverts to their true form upon contact . For as long as contact is maintained no power with the Transformation keyword can be used.  If the attack is successful then the target loses their transformation power and must reactivate it as per usual.  The victim, and usually also the caster cannot change forms while the stone touches them. Touching a target with the stone requires a successful Brawl, or athletics attack to throw the stone. This attack does no damage but forces the transformed character to make a Self Control test (Dif 4) (This is not a frenzy so Willpower/ permanent self control expenditure does not apply) Failure results in them losing their transformation.  Once activated the stone loses its potency over the course of a night.  The ritual ends any power with the Transformation Keyword

Crafting The Stone Servant

Type F, Level 5

Requires Storyteller Adjudication in each case. Usually turns a Gangrel, Nosferatu or Tzimisce into a Gargoyle. Erasing their mind and memories in the process. Variations on this ritual exist for some other clans. Individual mileage may vary. This ritual takes an action to cast.

Unweave Ritual

Type D, Level 5

Caster Spends one willpower and draws sigils upon the ritual to be unwoven with one blood trait per level of the ritual. He must then succeed at an occult challenge of equal the level of the ritual. This can be used to remove the magic from any ritually made item, or being. Takes 5 minutes to cast. 

Canopic Jar

Type F, Level 5

The caster must have the subject completely helpless on a stone slab large enough to hold the subject's body. Then they must successfully remove the heart (extended medicine challenge 10 traits 2 retests) and place it in a specially prepared vessel worth at least resources 3, this vessel is reusable if the subject dies but cannot store more than one heart at a time. If this is done correctly the subject's heart will continue to live in the jar. That which is done to the subject is done to the heart and vice versa. Damage applied to the heart is applied to the subject, spells cast upon the subject are detectable on the heart and so on. The heart (except in some odd cases does not possess eyes so cannot be used to establish eye contact. While this situation continues the subject has an additional trait to avoid all frenzies and can only be staked if the stake pierces his heart, which is in the jar.

The target must be helpless to do this ritual. The Heart remains in Stasis unless something happens to the Jar. Replacing the heart Requires a Dif 4 Medicine test.


Type B, Level 5

This is a series of rituals, each that works against a different type of creature. There are Many different wards, each listed creature type must be bought separately. 

Kindred, Changing Breed, Hunter, Mage, Wraith, Demon, Fae, Spirit. Each ward adds an additional level of lethal damage to the weapon when striking the correct type of target. Applying a Ward costs $10,000 in materials. A Mage may apply any number of wards to a weapon its just expensive.
