Level 3

From Eden Calling LARP
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Deflection of Wooden Doom


When the character is successfully staked for the first time that night, the stake dissolves into dust.

Illuminate Trail Of Prey


Caster must have a possession belonging to their quarry, a body part or blood will also do. The caster must then stand someplace their quarry has been in the past 24 hours. The caster then sees a glowing line following the path the quarry took from that start point to their current destination. this trail ends abruptly at any body of water more than 1 foot across and one foot deep. Lasts 1 hour. The object is no longer a sympathetic link after this casting.

Purity Of Flesh


Caster must purge their body of all blood, draining their blood pool down to 0. This ritual cannot be cast on others. The caster's body is purged of all foreign matter, toxins, diseases, tattoos, piercings etc that are not magical in nature. It also cures many but not all forms of magical disease and toxin individual mileage may vary.

Clinging of the Insect


This ritual involves eating a small spider alive. The vampire may climb on any wall or ceiling that will support her weight. Ritual lasts 24 hours

Track the Transgressor


For the rest of the night, you auto-succeed on awareness checks to notice people activate Blood Sorcery effects in the room with you. You don't know what it is but you do know that its happening

Gentle Mind

Not Dismissable

Caster feeds a point of their blood to the subject, the subject counts as having a virtue of 5 to avoid rage frenzy.

Shaft of Belated Quiessence

Not Dismissable

Any item treated with this ritual cannot have any other enchantments. When the weapon so treated pierces the flesh of anyone, the rest of the weapon rots away to dust, leaving the tip (hopefully) in the heart of the target. Weapons so treated need only one simple test to stake, not two. the treatment lasts until the start of the following game session after which they dissolve. This ritual takes an action to cast.

Touch of Nightshade

Not Dismissable

The caster spends a blood and their hand is coated with a sticky purple substance. If the next person they touch with that hand is an unaugmented base mortal, the mortal becomes a feverish heap as the poison takes effect. A mortal so effected is at a -5 trait penalty for the night. 

Steps of the Terrified


Caster sinks a point of their blood into a small ball of dried mud. The ball must be thrown at a target as though it is a weapon with the thrown tag. When the target is hit they lose 2 steps from their movement rate, this spell does not stack with itself. The steps are removed from the total number of steps the character has after accounting for celerity, magi items, flight, etc. the spell lasts for 1 hour.

Potency of the Blood

Not Dismissable

This ritual requires imbibing a ritually treated trait of blood from another kindred, the thaumaturge gains the generation of that blood for one hour.

Blood Cloak

Not Dismissable

Caster spends an occult retest. recipient's blood reveals no information when taste of blood, or other similar powers are used upon it. This works even on blood separated from their body, however when the ritual ends all of the blood returns to its normal state. ritual lasts one night

Sanguinary Assistant

Not Dismissable

Caster pours five traits of their blood into a bowl along with a corn husk and other miscellaneous detritus from a laboratory. a 3 foot tall creature made of blood and detritus walks out of the bowl and does the caster's bidding. the creature has 5 physical traits, 5 mental traits 5 social traits and one level of any skill possessed by its maker. it cannot engage in combat and will flee, it has one health level and one willpower. the creature lasts for 28 days after which it crawls back into its bowl if possible. The same spell cast again on the same bowl will create a creature with the same personality and memories. When taking the research action this creature adds +1 to the first research action you take in a month.

Faithful Blade

Not Dismissable

Caster ritually anoints a nonmagical object with a number of points of their blood equal to the traits the item grants. this item cannot weigh more than the caster can lift. The item teleports to the caster so long as they are on the same plane of existence regardless of barriers. then the spell has ended. Once the item arrives it must be re-anointed.

Rutor's hand

Not Dismissable

Caster takes 5 levels of aggravated damage and cuts of his hand and plucks out his eye, he places the eye on the hand and it can run around and spy for him. it has 3 physicals, 10 perception related mentals 3 for all other purposes. it has 5 health levels, 1 social trait and no willpower. you can use your skills through the creature, but are limited to its traits. you can use its senses (sight, touch and oddly hearing although no one knows why.) creature lasts for as long as the caster spends one blood per week. caster can heal the missing eye and hand as normal.

Transmogrification Type D

This rituals allows the thaumaturge to alter the physical identity of an object while maintaining its essence. When used on equipment, armor, or a weapon, the physical form of said object changes to any form still applicable for what the object is. For example a Claymore (Unconcealable Edged) could be made into a Zweihänder, but not into a battle-axe (Unconcealable Axe). You can swap out one Tag for an equivalent Tag. Type and Size are NOT Tags.